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Maine State Rehabilitation Council – Customer Satisfaction Survey

The Customer Satisfaction Survey can be found at this link.

Maine State Rehabilitation Council Vocational Rehabilitation Questionnaire

Maine State Rehabilitation Council


If you have questions about the survey, please contact Cheryl Peabody, SRC member at

If you are a person who has used the services of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) in Maine in the past or are currently using the services of DVR, we would like to hear from you.

Where we go in the future depends on people like you taking this survey, speaking up and speaking out, advocating and participating in the process.

You can help us to better serve people with disabilities in Maine by taking the Customer Satisfaction Survey.

The Maine State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) is responsible for conducting yearly reviews and analysis of the effectiveness of Maine’s vocational rehabilitation services and customer satisfaction.

There is no information in the survey that can identify you individually. We ask only general questions like what county do you live in, your age range and educational background.

SRC members read every one of the completed surveys and will provide DVR with all data collected. SRC members use the data collected from this survey, especially in areas that need improvement, and work with DVR throughout the year to improve those service areas.

By completing this survey you are helping us to ensure that quality vocational rehabilitation services continue to be provided in Maine.

If you have questions about the survey, please contact Cheryl Peabody, SRC member at